The most important thing for an artist to do is finish a project. From vision to completion, I always finish what I set out to do. My past recordings started with an idea and ended in an internationally released album. I am very proud of this and I intend to do it again!
I’ve begun a project on Kickstarter. If you’re not familiar, the idea is that you get to help us make this new CD. You can donate as much or as little as you want, but (just like those PBS telethons) we’ve got some great gifts for each donation. Everything from a digital download of the new album, all the way to being (and listed) as a Producer, to a private house concert!
This album will include 10-12 songs. Eight are original compositions for which I have written the music and lyrics. One is a beautiful collaboration with my friend and drummer on this album, Tim Horner. And finally, there are a few old gems familiar to jazz enthusiasts.
A jazz album, whether it be instrumental or vocal is a challenge in that we are not expressing or creating the popular music of the day. Therefore, funds are not readily available to support and nurture the artistry that goes into presenting this wonderful music to the public. Record labels are all but gone. It is truly up to the artist to raise the capitol for the endeavor. In many ways this can be better because we are in the driver’s seat all the way.
The Band – Allen Farnham on piano, Bill Moring on bass, and Tim Horner on drums. I have been working with this rhythm section for the past 15 years. We have all recorded a lot of records in that time period, but never together. Now is our time. Each one is an internationally acclaimed musician who has made their mark in the industry. Please Google them to see and hear how truly wonderful they are.
So, take a look at the video below, then click over to the Kickstarter project. I only have 30 days to raise 100% of the funds. Please note that your pledges are not collected or distributed unless we reach 100% of our goal.
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Click HERE for the Kickstarter page